Get your (candy) freak on.
Author: blog xxx
Last night, we read at the Brookline Booksmith, always a classy affair where they make you feel super at-home and put your name in colorful marker on the white board out front:
We were thrilled to be reading with local literary legend Steve Almond, but we were even more delighted when President Obama showed up (pictured here with Steve, Kyle, and Genie, the bookseller who coordinated this event):
Steve Almond's reading involved, among other things, his twelve-year-old self discovering his manhood in a Northern California hot tub, as well as Jenna Bush's deep thoughts while on her own book tour. He graciously brought candy for the crowd, and completely brought the LOLs; no wonder the room was so packed...
....they had to bring in extra chairs:
Afterwards, we all shared the lectern with the Wally Lamb poster on it as we fielded questions from the audience:
And afterwards-afterwards, on the ride home from dinner, we partook of the weirdest and most special candy Steve had provided, the Heavenly Hash eggs, all the way from Louisiana; they were bizarre, but not undelicious:
Special thanks to John and Elisa for letting us crash with them, and to Sandy for the photos. Tonight, we read at the Provincetown Art Association Museum in Provincetown, MA at 7:00 pm. If you find yourself on the Cape, just keep driving down to the very end and come hear us read. Also, thanks to Laura Cerand over at Maude Newton for listing our upcoming reading, this Thursday in Brooklyn, as "highly recommended" in her Smart Set column.