This is Elisa, with whom I'll be reading (along with John Beer, Arda Collins, Joel Craig, William Hillman, Dan McCann, Caroline Picard, and Greg Purcell) tonight at the MAKE: a Chicago literary magazine/ACM/Action Books/Green Lantern Press off-site event at the Hideout at 1354 W. Wabansia in Chicago at 7:30 pm:
Home field advantage
Author: blog xxx
You know how you love your friends so much, you wonder how it might feel to be them? Me too, and that is why I found myself trying on Abby's big red coat, as we hung out in my apartment last night with Elisa Gabbert and Sarah Bartlett. All three of them are staying with Martin and me during the AWP Conference here in Chicago: 
This is Elisa, with whom I'll be reading (along with John Beer, Arda Collins, Joel Craig, William Hillman, Dan McCann, Caroline Picard, and Greg Purcell) tonight at the MAKE: a Chicago literary magazine/ACM/Action Books/Green Lantern Press off-site event at the Hideout at 1354 W. Wabansia in Chicago at 7:30 pm:
While we were sitting there, she got a text from her friend Farrah that said "subtext and buttsex are anagrams." Think about it.
This is Elisa, with whom I'll be reading (along with John Beer, Arda Collins, Joel Craig, William Hillman, Dan McCann, Caroline Picard, and Greg Purcell) tonight at the MAKE: a Chicago literary magazine/ACM/Action Books/Green Lantern Press off-site event at the Hideout at 1354 W. Wabansia in Chicago at 7:30 pm: