...because I have
not found it to be in the hands of such a lotta fools trying to anesthetize the way that we feel.
Tonight, it was in the hands of Jesse Seay--pictured here amid a forest of mics and headsets--at

...and Jacob Knabb, managing and fiction editor of
Another Chicago Magazine. They hosted me,
Brandi Homan, and
Lina-Ramona Vitkauskas to record us reading our work from the latest issue of ACM, whose theme is American Values. I also did a tiny reading and some Q&A about
Live Nude Girl.
As a huge fan of public radio, I found it to be an elementary school field trippy thrill to see where the audio-magic happens:

And now I am more of a fan than ever of Vocalo. Be sure to check them and their mission out
here. Thanks to Jacob and Jesse for having us, and to Lina and Brandi for being kickass co-readers.
Last but not least, here is the peanut butter sandwich I ate on the flight from BWI to Chicago earlier today...

...constructed with care by one Kyle Minor. He chose, as you can see, to cut it in half. Well played, Kyle; nicely done.