I'd like to thank Ren Kuroda for putting up with me all this time. Thanks Ren! And thanks to Nishijima Roshi for the talks and the calligraphy. Thanks to everyone who joined this year's retreat at Tokei-in.
Thanks to Morishima-san ex-prez of Tsuburaya Productions for the pizza. Thanks to Norman England for Birdemic and I Drink Your Blood. Thanks to Takeshi Yagi for coming with me to Ultraman Festival 2010 and to Miki Mochizuki of Tsuburaya Productions for the tickets. Thanks to Ultraman designer Hiroshi Maruyama for a lovely drawing of Godzilla on my notebook for my next book.
Next up is the Great Sky Zen Sesshin in Minnesota. There is still time to sign up. So get it in gear, people. Sesshins like this do not come along often. Be there or be square!