A BOLTON MP faces losing her driving licence after being caught using her mobile phone behind the wheel.
Yasmin Qureshi, aged 46, was stopped by officers in Wigan Road, Bolton, just days after being elected as MP for Bolton South East.
She did not attend Bolton Magistrates’ Court yesterday, but sent a guilty plea in her absence to driving while using a handheld mobile phone.
The incident happened on May 10 when Qureshi was driving a Vauxhall Astra.
The former barrister already has nine points on her driving licence and a further three points for this offence could result in a ban under the totting up procedure.
If a driver reaches 12 or more p e n a l t y points in any threeyear period they are usually banned, but magistrates have some discretion and can choose not to ban a motorist if they feel it will cause exceptional hardship.
The magistrates decided to adjourn the case to August 19 for sentencing, so Qureshi can attend and have the opportunity to make a plea to keep her licence.
Qureshi, of Morton Moss Court, Deane, became one of the first female Muslim MPs to be elected in May.
She said after the hearing that she has mitigation to put forward, but was not prepared say anything further until the matter is concluded.
She said: “I think it would be inappropriate to make any comment at this stage as the case is still ongoing and the court has not heard the full circumstances, but when the case is concluded I will make a full statement.”
She pleaded not guilty to a further charge of driving without insurance.