Xiaxue: 2003 - present

Decided to do a compilation of my photos from 2003 when I started the blog till now!! A lot of different hair colours LOL

And keep in mind all the photos are still photoshopped lah although I think my skills have improved drastically over the years.

August 2003!

December 2003.

God the hair colour is so hideous. I still have that cap.

February 2004.

This was taken at Clara's (poly mate) condo!!

October 2004.

How come my hair suddenly so long? Taken in NUS when I went to visit Wongsie!
I was her witness during her mock trial wtf.

I was going for the "rich" look during that era LOL needless to say FAIL.
(although that's a real rolex I'm wearing)

January 2005
- some of you might be familiar with this photo!

I love those of you. xoxo

August 2005.

Got sponsored by Kimage and dyed my hair ash brown!

January 2006.

Taken with Junne at the now defunct MoS!
Up till today I still find this photo very chio wtf.

I was going for the BOMBSHELL look during this period.

(I still have the tube, belt, and jeans wtf)

2006 September
- still trying to ooze the bombshell look LOL

February 2007.

Dyed hair black FML mad ugly.
Black hair does NOT go well with all my pale pink clothes wtf

March 2007

FML x 2 black faded to this unappealing brown.

July 2007... Pink extensions!

January 2008

Taken in USA

August 2008

Dec 2008

Shit my yellow hair is SO ugly.

March 2009

Still having yellow hair wtf

September 2009

Realised toner (to kill the yellow in hair) is essential for bleached blondes.

December 2009

Bought ring light + DSLR. Also cut bangs.

2010 February

Taken in London!


2010 July

Photo from just a few posts down.


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