Let me preface this entry by saying that no sex occurred on this encounter. However, it was still a kick ass time. Saturday, I agreed to meet up with the cast members from VIOLET, the upcoming musical I'm performing July 30th in Watertown, MA. It was all laid out to begin at 8p at the director's home. We were doing it for the sake of bonding and just having a good time. Plus, karaoke was to be involved. So I was all over it. Somewhere after 7p, though, I got a text from N. We'd been chatting via Adult Friend Finder. He's 28; bi; white; around 5'10"; big-time pothead (yeah, baby!); has a head full of dark brown, straight hair; and a pretty fucking sweet body. He's also had cock inside him and he seemed to enjoy it. Can't wait til mine finds a home there, as well. He's exactly the type of guy Sean Cody features constantly. Not to overstate his attractiveness, but he looked like California threw up on my doorstep. He even arrived wearing a knit beanie, (two) T shirts and a pair of what looked to be linen long shorts. They were sexily oversized and his black briefs kept showing whenever he'd bend over. He brought some stellar green over and I'd just bought a 12 pack of Hoegaarden. We got SO fucking stoned just hanging out on my back deck. With that came a serious case of the inevitable Munchies. Diet be damned, I ordered a Pu Pu Platter for two. It was great talking with him and getting a sense of his energy. He talked a LOT about his extreme passion for the motor sport drifting, the records he's held, his work as a filmmaker, etc. We have yoga in common (though I haven't practiced in MONTHS I tell ya.) We also discovered we both like pissing over the balcony outside. When he removed his shirt for a few minutes, his biceps were definitely worthy of the Gun Show and his stomach had these cute horizontal red lines where his abs were beginning to become defined. He had to be about a 30 waist. In a random, but over-too-quickly moment, I looked behind me to see him doodling around in his pants. He pulled out his semi and showed off his shaved lowhangers. I reached over and caressed a handful. He let me for a few seconds, then put it all away again. Little cat and mouse moments like that throughout the night made me less than sure where he wanted things to go, but that was refreshing. Encounters shouldn't always end up sexually. (Yeah, I said it.) I love being teased. It was the perfect set up for another time, even though I wasn't even sure there'd be a next time.
At one point he started doing a few yoga moves in the middle of the floor. When he got to Upward Cobra to stretch out his chest, I fell in love with the way the thin fabric of his shorts caressed his round ass. The way the loose material sagged just a little between his legs right where I knew his probably pungent asshole was just waiting for a loving Tongue Lap just on the other side of that cloth. I wanted to bury my nose in there and take the biggest inhalation I could, but I didn't know if that would be okay. He did remove his shirt (again?) and told me how sore his back was in a few specific places. With both of us topless, I sat cross-legged behind him and massaged his back and neck, then let my fingers move through that thick mane of hair. This was supposed to be THE moment, but it wasn't. lol. He closed his eyes and relaxed into it, but didn't fall back into me or moan or get nakeder (look up neologism haha.) Still, whatever did or didn't happen, I was happy to be right there in the moment. We started watching interracial hetero porn (at his suggestion) shortly thereafter. I was thinking, "okay, he's ready. He feels comfortable now." Still no go. lol. He even pulled up his AFF account to show another brown-skinned (Latino) dude with a thick cock he hooked with. I've chatted with that dude, too, but never met. It was good to get some insight into how this other guy really is. Apparently, the pictures don't do justice to how thick his dick really is. Hmm. After N left, I resent another text to that guy. lol. N eventually said he'd had a long day and was very tired. In hindsight, I'm not sure if he expected me to be more aggressive and take that time to jump his bones, but I'm glad I handled things the way I did. I got on the bed while he stretched out on the floor. Then the unthinkable happened. I woke up maybe an hour later and he was gone. That was so weird. At first I thought he was on the balcony, but nuh uh. GONE! I checked my cell to see that it was a little after 4a. Since I didn't know when I fell asleep, I had no concept of how long I'd been out. That was some strong shit! I immediately texted that I hadn't intended to pass out. I was clearly higher and sleepier than I realized. His response was unreadable from my perspective: "np. thanks. had a good time chillan. ill be in touch." What? What does that mean? lol. I didn't trip out or anything. Honestly, I chalked it up to not being his type. And hey, that's not the end of the world. Disappointing, for sure, but not earth-shattering. But Monday I got a text from him inquiring about my whereabouts. I was sitting in rehearsal with my jazz band. You should've seen the big ass smile that crossed my face. Even if nothing sexual ever happens between us, I could learn from him and just enjoy the masculine, outdoorsy energy he's so connected with. I'll keep you posted. Here are his initial texts to me. You'll see why I was a little off-center in regards of what I thought would happen and what actually happened: "glad we could finally get in contact. cant wait 2 wrap my lips round that fuckr...hav long sk8rish hair, bubb ass an lips. been tryin 2 get at u 4 a while man. u r 1 hot ass mofo...love watchin porn n goin with the flow. large hangers an big shootr. 69 is [my] forte. i think we will mesh well as w[e] are alike...[i'm] up for a stroke toke n choke." My kinda guy.
The dick pic above is mine.