Illiteracy and the destruction of the English language in London — which is obviously caused by mass immigration — has been blamed on teachers and white people “being indifferent to their children’s education,” a new Tory-sponsored report has said.
Brick Lane, LondonThe Centre for Policy Studies report, "So Why Can't They Read?", was ordered by Tory London mayor Boris Johnson to report on what he called “an epidemic of illiteracy” and “a serious cause of economic underperformance.”
According to the report, which examines why one-third of children have difficulties with reading when they leave London's primary schools at the age of 11, children in inner-city London speak "street", with its own grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.
Across London, Black and Asian children outnumber White British children by about six to four in state schools, according to a 2008 report.
“This language contains a mix of various ethnic influences — Caribbean, Cockney, Afro-American, Indian and others,” the report says.
Despite the obvious answer to the lack of English skills question being apparent in that statement, the report goes on in typical establishment fashion to blame white people.
The report firstly blames white teachers who “have a weak grasp of spelling and syntax” and adds that the “problem cannot be blamed on the large number of immigrant pupils in city schools.”
Not content with blaming teachers for the Tower of Babel of over 300 languages now spoken in London schools, the Tory report then directly blames the few remaining whites in London.
“There is in fact a great deal of evidence . . . to show that it is white working-class children who have the most intractable reading difficulties . . . Unlike most immigrant parents, who are very keen on their children receiving a good education even if they themselves speak very little English, white working-class parents often seem to be indifferent to their children's education,” the report states.
According to 2007 estimates, 42.3 percent of London’s population belong to groups other than white British and a Greater London Assembly report in 2009 indicated that over 50 percent of all people under the age of 18 in London were from ethnic “minorities.”
The British National Party is the only party to point out that mass immigration is the primary cause of cultural change.
All the other parties pretend that a Third World immigrant stops being Third World as soon as they step off a plane on British soil.
The reality is that nothing of the sort happens. All that occurs is that the Third World is imported along with the Third World population.
Unless halted and reversed, Britain will be colonised and its thousands of years old culture will be destroyed, as is already happening in London.