Thursday night after rehearsal, I called A to come over for our first meeting. He's a 34 year old, short, slightly stocky, shy Guatemalan from Craigslist who lives a street over from me. His 5" uncut blew twice down my throat. Friday morning I drove the mile plus to C's apartment and took a load from him before he had to go to work. Still worked up, I went home and logged into BBRT and saw A online. He's a white, late 20s/early 30s, big-eared, yoga practicing cutie who lives in Back Bay. He and his bf have an open relationship and apparently put on orgies all the time. I'm sure I'll get an invite after our time together. I must've laid the dick down pretty well. As soon as I got back home, there was a buddy request from him on BBRT :) He professes to be mainly bottom, but he's really versatile, especially after I told him I already had a load in me. We swapped fucks and came in each other. He sucks very well. Because I wasn't tired when I hooked with him, my dick was at its full length. He said it's bigger than 8. Most people say that, but I don't think that's true. It's nice to hear, though. When I was fucking him, he was crying out how much it hurt and that I was ripping him apart. (Yeah, right.) So I went slower and told him I'd let him control the depth. Once he opened up, I pounded him until my abs were screaming. Sex is such great cardio. He finally confessed that he likes to be hurt and ripped. Besides his cute ass, I was turned on by the way he talked. His "yeah dude" this and "yeah dude" that made him sound like a surfer. Later that evening around 9:30, P visited. He's a 6'1", 22 year old bisexual athlete from Concord, MA I met on LPSG. (I could've babysat him!) I almost wrote him off. He was a no-call, no-show last week. Several days ago, which was an entire week after he didn't show, he sent a text apologizing and asking if I were around to come to Concord that afternoon. (Uh, hell no.) I should say here that he did include a pic of his dick. A very nice one. I didn't even respond...at first. I mean, I was miffed. I'd been stood up for Christ's sake. A few hours later, I looked at the pic again and kinda thought I was probably overreacting. The punishment shouldn't exceed the crime, after all. But I didn't totally let him off the hook either. I responded to his text and politely called him out for leaving me hanging, but told him I was definitely interested in getting this thing off the ground.
Friday night he was true to his word and actually showed up. He also arrived like a suburban pothead wise man bringing the gift of Green. I was super pleasantly surprised at his face and demeanor. He comes across as the guy on campus who got along with all the different groups: band fags, theatre queens, other jocks, nerds, everybody. We smoked and talked over beers for a good half hour, then we got naked. I loved that he wasn't shy at all. He was erect immediately. Even though I had this beautiful kid in front of me, I didn't get all the way hard because I'd been stroking ALL DAY. It was at this very moment the doorbell rang. I forgot D was coming over. He's a stroke buddy of mine and my roomie's. D sports a few tatts, is a fighter in training (he's getting the crazy big upper body definition to prove it) and is a big pothead. He's got a kid and I wonder how that goes. He's late 20s/early 30s as well. Backing up a bit, D saw me online and asked what I was up to later. When I said a stroke, smoke (and choke) session with a buddy, he wanted an invite. P was cool with it. While D settled himself in with his tiny laptop, P and I stood in the middle of the floor caressing each other and mutually stroking. I didn't fully become aware of his height and body mass until he was towering over me with his chest in my face and his warmth jumping across the space between us like synaptic nerves firing. With my forehead somewhere around his clavicle, I was only peripherally aware of the way he had to bow his head to hold it next to my face. We didn't kiss, but I think that could happen later. I looked down and took in the sight of his thick meat. It was every bit of 8.5"c. I could also see that the skin across his shoulder was peeling. We took turns sucking each other. I suggested we lie on the floor in front of D and 69. By this time, I was good and blazed. I've turned into someone who can hold my weed without losing any serious control. Hell, I don't even cough anymore. Up to this point, only a few minutes had really passed and I still wasn't sure how comfortable D was. He hadn't said anything. But as soon as he saw me deepthroat that donkey dick to the fucking balls, I heard a moan escape from him. His pants were around his ankles. I knew I had nothing to worry about then. I caught a few whiffs of P's asshole while I was down there and fell in love. It smelled like he'd just stepped out of the shower. It was also beautifully rounded. I hope I get to eat some of it.
I also hope he agrees to bang the holy fucking jeesus out of me with that thing. I'd even let him hit it raw, though I doubt he'd be down for that. His oral wasn't that great. There wasn't enough suction. Then again, I won't complain because 1) he didn't hurt me by scraping his teeth on it or aggressively handling my balls and 2) I wasn't completely hard. The man was doing the best he could and I appreciated it. I whispered in his ear that I wanted to taste his cum and would he be all right with that. Of course. Silly me. I love it when a guy is minutes away from that inevitable point of no return. There's all the delicious agony. I worked him in my throat nice and deep and maintained a set rhythm to drive him over the edge. I loved it when he shot in my mouth. He kept stroking me for a good while, until I told him I wasn't going to shoot. After he left, D stayed another 2 hours. He also brought weed and I smoked with him, too. Ironically, He comes off hard and thuggish, but he's physically affectionate. We've never kissed, but it won't surprise me if we ever do. While we were side by side on the floor, he'd reach over and hold my dick, wrap his arm around my head to pull our heads together. He'd lie his head back on my outstretched arm in ecstasy as I'd lightly play with his sensitive nipples. He also likes to hear dirty stories. I told him I snuck downstairs last week to watch outside my neighbor's window as she got her pussy banged by this big, hot dude with tatts. Her screaming got my attention. So I ran outside in the back naked and watched a few minutes. The dude had stamina. He fucked her in a few different positions on the bed, then they took it to the living room where he tore it up there. Then they came back to the bedroom...It got boring. lol. Anyway, D was turned on by that. My bedroom window was open and she was right downstairs under it having a smoke talking on the phone. D, with his high crazy ass, thought it'd be hot to scream all these obscenities so she could hear like I heard her the other night (and several times before.) I said go for it. While I was finger banging him and smacking his balls, he'd scream shit like, "YEAH BEAT ME WITH THAT BIG FUCKING BLACK DICK MOTHAFUCKA." Wow. I had to stifle a giggle a few times. I didn't let him know I thought it was funny, but come on. Really? If that's what floats your boat, paddle on :) That shit he was saying was dumb, but earlier he quietly said "I love it when you touch me." I'd rather hear that. Anyway, when he finally shot, he busted his load onto his stomach, across his chest and over his shoulder. My boy always shoots big. I was feeling bold. For the first time, while he was still in the throes of orgasm, I licked his jizz from his belly button clean up to his shoulder. He just grinned. Mmmmmm. Fucking sweet.
The top pic is the texted image P sent to get back in my good graces :) The second image is one I snapped of a cutie patootie in Central Square on the Red Line platform.