While I was in LA with Dan for "The Price is Right" in March, we stopped at Micky's for a drink. I talked about the hot strippers who were dancing, but I did not discuss a certain drag queen who was also dancing. She reminded me of Lucille Ball dressed in an Jane Fonda 80's workout video outfit, looking like a backup dancer in Olivia Newton John's "Physical" video. She had dozens of big thick plastic bracelets up her arm that she shook as she pranced about. Her facial expressions and the way she carried herself really cracked me up. Dan was mesmerized with her and tipped her a few times, as did I. Every time we tipped her, she kissed the dollar and stuck it in her bra.
Fast forward to Saturday night, I was flipping through the televison channels and came upon "America's Got Talent" where I saw our favorite LA drag queen on TV. The screen said her name was Tammie Brown from Long Beach, California. When asked what her talent was, she responded, "Well, singing and dancing and prancing." She obviously had nothing prepared as she started to prance and talk/sing, "Happy as a clam oh yes I am. Happy as a clam why yes I am." She mercifully got buzzed off within a few seconds.
While searching YouTube for a clip of Tammie Brown on America's Got Talent, I stumbled upon her "World Premiere" music video for her song, "Whatever" from her upcoming CD. It is awful, but worth a look.