I went to the Mika concert at the 930 Club with what seemed like every young, hot gay boy and screaming teenage girl in DC. I was pushing the upper age limit on the crowd, but I did not mind the eye candy to go along with Mika's innovative
pop sound.

I first heard of Mika when my friend Kevin gave me his song "Grace Kelly" and I could not stop listening to it. So infectious, smartly produced, and it didn't hurt that
Mika is cute, which you can't really see from this picture taken with my cell phone. A guy in the group I was with got kicked out for pulling out a real camera, so I didn't risk it.

He opened with, "We did some sight-seeing today and saw the White House. It was very small. I thought a man that powerful would have a bigger house." It was at that point I knew I was goig to love the show." It was a really enjoyable and fun concert. He is quite a little entertainer, who knows how to work a crowd into a frenzy with his voice (I have to believe some lip syncing was involved), frenetic dancing, and garbage can playing. Releasing dozens of big balloons and dropping confetti at the end of the concert was also a fun touch.

Mika's DC concert set list went something like this:
Relax, Take it Easy
Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) {complete with Big Girl dancer}
My Interpretation
Billy Brown
Any Other World
Stuck in the Middle
Ring Ring
Sweet Dreams {Eurythmics Cover}
Holy John
Happy Ending
I Want You Back {Jackson 5 Cover}
Love Today
ENCORE: Lollipop {Band dressed as furry animals, balloons, confetti)

Overall, a thoroughly innovative and fun concert. Mika's DC concert was sold out, but he has a few more
concert dates in the US this month and will be on Good Morning America on August 10. If you want to let go and just have a great time, I highly encourage you to catch this concert tour. I had a blast.