After a
My favorite photo of the day because it shows several things. 1) How competitive we became about getting beads 2) How much we had to drink 3) How much we hate to have our pictures taken 4) How funny Dan's pose is in the background
This boy was the highlight of the parade for me, and he was not even in the parade.
As for the parade itself, it was a real snoozer. When I first moved to DC, the Pride Parade was subversive and exciting with a bunch of leather guys wearing buttless chaps, dykes on bikes with their boobs hanging out, and hot shirtless guys. Now, the parade has sponsors like SunTrust Bank and Southwest Airlines.
And the hot shirtless boys and dykes on bikes are now all covered up walking with their children and their churches. Are we now too mainstream to have an interesting parade? On the whole, I guess this is a good thing, but I sure miss the topless lesbians and half-naked men.
But there was one entertaining thing about the parade. This guy, was walking behind the myriad church groups, yelling to the crowd, "The only reason Jesus died on the cross was because he forgot his safe word." Radical fairy indeed.