I'm out here in the arrid zone o' Arizona. Did my talk yesterday at a local Universalist Unitarian church and a wonderful time was had by all. (I know I must have said this before, but my journalism teacher in high school told us never to use that phrase and now that I'm some kind of "pro" writer, I use it every chance I get.) I got two more talks out here. Today at 1 at the Barnes and Noble in Desert Ridge and tomorrow at 7PM at Changing Hands bookstore in Tempe.
By the way, Tempe is pronounced "tem-pee." I always thought it was "tem-pay." But that's not so bad because there seems to be no agreement among Los Angeles residents as to how to pronounce Los Feliz.
I'm not gonna put the list of plugs in this entry. Just scroll down a few inches and it's there. I've taken away the bit about the computer because I sold it.