Is it just me, or is TB infected Andrew Speaker a hottie?
I don't know what happened and who is to blame about the whole travel thing, but one thing I do know is that Andrew Speaker is a good bullshitter. As a lawyer you have to be. And his University of Georgia Law School team won the 13th Annual National Criminal Justice Trial Advocacy Competition at John Marshall Law School in 2003. He is pictured above making the winning argument.

But this win may be tainted, because I just read that his father, Ted Speaker, graduated from John Marshall Law School in 1978. Is it just a coincidence or was there influence peddling involved that won the prize for Ted's son? I am merely speculating on this, but I am hoping that media outlets run with it because I am so tired of hearing about his TB. Let's move on people. I mean come on, he has a disease which only has a 30% survival rate. Leave him be. The question is, however, would I feel the same way if he were ugly. Probably not.