The man accused of kidnapping and killing teenager Kelsey Smith, calls himself a "sweet troubled soul" according to his MySpace page that I saw today. Edwin Hall, who apparently goes by "Jack", as it's the only name on the page, does not say much about himself in his profile. His MySpace page's background is black, with white gothic font in some places and blood red font in others. His general interests are listed as "eating small children and harming small animals." His heroes are "Batman, and my Dad (the bastard)." He has a high school education and his occupation is listed as a "millwork specialist." As for movies, Jack likes "anything that pushes the envalope, A clockwork Orange, Srangeland and lets not forget horror movies!!!! yea scary (or cheesy)like."

His choice of Strangeland as one of his favorite movies is somewhat interesting, if only because Dee Snyder, former lead singer of "Twisted Sister" wrote the movie. Click
here to read Strangeland's plot summary, which basically is about a crazy man who stalks, tortures, and kills teenage girls over the Internet. If Kelsey was tortured before being murdered, then this movie may receive a lot of focus and exposure.

The following are direct pulls from the page:
About me:
Its never what it seems untill you look inside the book, and those people you look up to are not as cool as they think. I love reading and to paint though I dont have enough time for either. fast cars are nice and hope to own one someday( a fast one Im not a looser I have a car)
Who I'd like to meet:
Gandi why, well to seem interesting and "with it" cause we all know its all aboutwhat others think right?
Edwin/Jack, are you sure you graduated from high school???

According to the page he is married to a Native American woman named Althea who is afraid of "snakes, spiders, and rape" and has a son, who is the cutie pictured with him here. Apparently, his family just moved to a new house recently, based on all of the "I hope you like your new home" messages left by their friends on MySpace.

Sweet troubled soul indeed, who is looking at serving some major jail time and, I know I am purely guessing on this, but he may be a
suspect in another local missing teenage girl.

I can only imagine what his wife, Althea, who is pictured above is thinking at this point. Her profile on MySpace (Update: which has also now been deleted) is more sunshine and happiness, although she does have an evil kitty with devil eyes that says "how evil are you?" which I found kinda creepy. She also left a message on Edwin/Jack's page that said that she was "hoping to get naked with you tonight and go crazy." All I hope is that their adorable son turns out ok after all of this.