David Greggory, a restaurant in DC, has a monthly bacon dinner that we like to call BaconFest. BaconFest consists of passed hors d’oeuvres, a multi-course dinner, and dessert all served with hand selected wines. Every bit of food served has bacon in it, including the dessert, which tonight was a chocolate covered rice krispee treat with bacon bits.

This is my second BaconFest, and it is always a good time. They keep the wine coming and just when you think you can't eat another bite, the next dish is so good that you can't help but eat it up.

Tom arranged the night, and Rich, Lori, Michael, Farris, and a couple of Tom's coworkers rounded out the group. We had a guy at our table who has only missed one BaconFest in the last two years, and I am not even kidding you, it was the day he had his heart attack.

After seven different wines, the pigs on our table started to do naughty things to each other. But after Lori sang "I Love a Grenache" to the tune of "I Love a Parade," and Michael got turned on by the wine steward describing the wine's flavor as "deep, thick, pulsating across the tongue," and Tom did a spit take with his wine, I knew it was time to leave. A very fun night.