People always bitch when I put up lists of upcoming gigs here. But when you tell me a better way to announce this stuff I'll do it.
Anyway, I just spent all morning writing a new column for Suicide Girls that's up now. I'm too tired to write anything else. Here are the gigs:
April 25 - 27 leading a retreat at Southern Dharma Retreat Center in North Carolina.
April 29th at 7 PM, talk at Warren Wilson College’s Buddhist Studies Group. Also in Asheville, NC.
May 3rd my band 0DFx will play at Pat’s in the Flats in Cleveland with This Moment in Black History and on May 4th, 0DFx will play at the Kent Stage in Kent, Ohio in commemoration of the 38th anniversary of the infamous shootings by the National Guard
Friday May 10th at 7 PM (or maybe 6, they need to decide yet, call before you go) at Visible Voice Books in Cleveland, Ohio’s Tremont neighborhood.
On May 17th and 18th a 2-day retreat at the Milwaukee Zen Center.
I'll be one of the teachers at this year's Great Sky Zen Sesshin August 9-16. Check out their webpage for details.
The annual Dogen Sangha retreat in Shizuoka, Japan will be September 20-23.