On Friday night, Joe took me to game night at JJ's house in Chevy Chase. I assumed we would play cards or board games, but instead, we played a doubles ping pong tournament. There were eight teams, and shockingly, Joe and I won. Most of the guys at the party play on the football team, so they were a competitive group of gays. It gave me much joy to win.

On Saturday night, I went with Marc to his friend's Christine's BBQ in Adams Morgan. I had heard stories of Christine, but had never met her or her husband Jim. They are a really fun, relaxed couple, who enjoy serving their friends lots of drinks.

I fell in love with their dog, who is a Bernese Mountain Dog. He is big, but very mellow and his face is so cute. He was very shy at first, but after a few hours, he warmed up to me. Now, I want one because his coat colors match my new house colors.

Christine had lots of fun and interesting people at her BBQ. The most interesting woman was a former model, who reminded me a bit of Janice Dickinson, but with a British accent. She was telling all of these stories about her modeling assignments around the world. She showed us a picture of her from her modeling days (stunningly beautiful) and told us how DC used to be a fashion center before the 1980s, when all of the talent died off from AIDS. She was also an extra in the movie Syriana with her son (who is also stunningly beautiful) but the scene got cut from the movie.

After meeting Christine, I now understand why Marc and her are friends. Here she is acting like she is making more watermelon martinis, but she had no idea how to make them (love her). It was a very fun night!