After our trip to Amish wonderland, we drove to South Bend and checked into the Marriott Hotel, next to the Century Center. I remember when this hotel was built, because it was such a big deal that a real hotel was coming to South Bend.

In the past few years, the College Football Hall of Fame next was built next to the Marriott. It was the Blue Gold game at Notre Dame, so there were tons of Irish fans staying at the hotel and touring the Hall of Fame. I could not quite wrap my head around football in April, but I hear it's a good time.

That evening, Ralph, Mike and I left Tom and Marcia at the hotel and drove to Mishawaka to experience
Truman's Entertainment Complex. It is the only gay bar worth going to in the area, and that is not saying much. Notice how packed the upstairs dance floor was for most of the night.

That was because all 50 patrons were downstairs enjoying
The Touch of Class Revue (Warning: Clicking this link will make you want to wash your eyes out with soap and water). Let me be clear here, when they say "Touch of Class," they mean just a small, tiny, minuscule touch of class. Note the bachelorette party...classy!

The hostess of the drag fest is hot mess Bradley Bogaert, who truly does not give a shit. He can be quite funny and entertaining, if you catch him before he skids off the tracks. Here he is humping one of the few cute boys in the place...
...and here he is skidding off the tracks...
...and this time he brought the bride to be with him.
But my favorite hot tranny mess of the night was this guy. I could not stop looking at him, because I could not figure out what was up with his hair. Is it a toupee on top of hair extensions? Is it just one wig? Is it natural? He had a vibrator in his pocket that he would use to give people back massages in the bar, which I also found odd and slightly disturbing. You have just got to love small town gay bars, you get to interact with such amazing characters.