When I was young, maybe third and fourth grade, I took a job cleaning the beauty salon in Wakarusa every Saturday afternoon. I had to wash all of the towels that were used during the week and sweep, mop, dust, the salon. This is the laundromat that I spend every Saturday afternoon for a few years. It looks exactly the same.

This is the Wakarusa Missionary Church that I attended from birth until my freshman year in high school when I walked out of service, never to return. The pastor at the time asked the church to pray for me during one of the services because I was in my high school production of the musical, "Applause." Now granted, the show is based on the Bette Davis classic film, "All About Eve" and involved a starlet sleeping her way to the top. But, I did not understand that, until my pastor made such a big deal about it. Anyway, members of my church insisted that they have the opportunity to come watch a rehearsal of the play and make changes, or they would protest. A group of 6 people came and we were forced to cut some words, and change others (which some of us added back in on the night of the show). That was it for me, no more church after that.

This is not really "my" landmark, but it is not often that you see a somewhat attractive Amish boy. Often times because of the close DNA ties of the Amish, they usually end up looking a bit funky.

This clock used to hang in the Wakarusa Middle School gym. When I saw it hanging in the Wakarusa Historical Society, I wanted to buy it for my house. Tom asked me if I wanted him to create a distraction so I could take it, but I just could not do that to my Aunt Helen.

Finally, I am not sure why they are making such a big deal about the new Florida license plates, because Indiana already has them beat with these special plates.