After the parade, we walked down to the middle school for the annual Lion's Club Pancakes and Sausage breakfast. These enterprising Amish ladies were selling their Maple Syrup right next to the line for the breakfast. In general, the Amish don't like having their pictures taken, so I had to wait until they were not looking at me.

For $7, you got all the pancakes, sausage, maple syrup, coffee, water, and juice-free orange drink you could handle.

After you sat down in the cafeteria, you were asked what you wanted to drink, and then guys would walk around with a iron kettle of sausage and a tray of pancakes, asking if you wanted more. Two things to point out in this picture, the diversity at our table (must be from out of town) and the cute boy in the gray shirt was carrying around the kettle of sausage. I was staring at him because he was cute, he kept thinking I wanted more sausage.

This guy I actually know. He was one of my brother's best friends growing up in Wakarusa, Todd Crist. He was serving pancakes and his special brand of sense of humor. Todd is a teacher and coach, and told me that he reads my blog when it is not blocked by his school. Hi Todd!

This guy, licking his fingers, is Jesse Pressler. He was my equivalent of Seinfeld's Newman growing up. His elevator doesn't quite reach the top floor, and it looks like his son, sitting next to him, might follow in his footsteps.

After breakfast, we walked uptown (two blocks) to the Wakarusa Dime Store so we could buy some jumbo jelly beans and maple syrup candy.

Tom and Marcia were sampling some of the candies, trying to determine which flavor of jumbo jelly beans to buy. Those things are huge, so usually you are in a sugar coma after 2 to 3 beans.

If you want to sample the jumbo jelly beans for yourself,
click here to order from the Wakarusa Dime Store website (note the time in the upper right and the candy-themed music). If you decide that the jelly beans are too sweet for you, you could always use them to create a mosaic of sugar goodness, like they have hanging in the Dime Store.