Now, I am not saying that the town of Wakarusa created the Maple Syrup Festival to drive shoppers to shop in the local stores, but come on, Indiana, and especially Wakarusa, is not known for its Maple Syrup. That is why virtually all the activities and booths have nothing to do with Maple Syrup, which always cracks me up.

Be careful kids, that fifteen foot climb to the heights of Wakarusa can be dangerous. I never saw such bored looks on kids faces before.

I just didn't get how the Swampmaster's Gator Show was "educational" or "fun for the whole family." And the Swampmaster (is that even a word) should update his promotional photos because he looks nothing like the strapping young guy that is pictured.

My Grandpa Eby used to man this post, popping the kettle corn. When I was a kid, I used to stand next to him as he stirred the corn to keep it from burning and hand out the free corn to anyone who asked for it. I usually got distracted by the sheep shearing, because I was mesmerized by the before and after looks of the sheep, so I was never a reliable kettle corn assistant.

I don't know about you, but nothing about this cross saw speed cutting competition seemed safe to me. I am not sure sharp blades and speed races should be used in combination, but I was more concerned about the man sitting on the log to keep it from moving (Believe me, it did not move).

This Amish guy was selling some of his hand-crafted wood products, like little boxes, benches, and games. He did not seem like he was completely sane and there is nothing better than a crazy man using sharp tools.

And speaking of a crazy man using sharp tools, this is the local chain saw carver, Doug Blosser. My mom was his teacher in 4th grade and said that he never wanted to learn anything and was constantly drawing bunny rabbits and frogs during class. I thought it was interesting that when I walked up, he was carving a wooden frog.