As I am sure you have heard and seen because he is on every tv channel, the Pope is in Washington, DC. Everywhere you turn in DC, people are lining the streets, hoping to catch a glimpse of Benedict. When I was walking back to Kevin's condo, I decided to stop and wait with the rest of DC to see if I too could see the pope.

I was standing at Logan Circle at around 5:00 pm yesterday, which is about the time that Logan Circle is overrun with overly excited dogs who have been locked up all day.

Security has been a constant presence in DC since the Pope landed. There are police officers on every corner and traffic has been horrible because streets are being closed whenever the Pope needs to travel around. It is so ridiculous.

Several helicopters have been circling around DC for the past few days, following the Pope around. The lights coming down from the helicopters are unsettling, and I keep thinking about how much all this security is costing taxpayers. Having just finished my taxes this week, it just pisses me off.

But the biggest frustration is the complete traffic freeze to move the Pope around the city. This is a picture of Rhode Island Avenue at 5:15 PM. It is normally packed with cars during rush hour, and it was eerie to look down and see no traffic and no parked cars. The street was completely empty.

I was standing on the sidewalk near the street, and this officer barked at me to move back. Move back on the sidewalk, are you kidding me? What, is the Pope going to drive up on the sidewalk?

Then came the Pope, but I snapped the picture too soon and missed getting a picture of him. But I did see him, he was less than 4 feet away from me, sitting in the back on the limousine with a bullet proof, clear window. They sped by pretty fast so I only got a quick glimpse.

Since, I missed getting a picture of the Pope, just pretend this hunky guy that I saw while waiting is the Pope. Who knew the Pope has such nice legs?