Finally launched

Some of you might have noticed the pixel advertising banner on the yellow sidebar!

Isn't it great?


This is the project I was talking about!

Anyway, to those of you who are not familiar, the idea of Pixel advertising first came from this very clever 22 year old British guy. His website is here, click it!

So anyway, pixel advertising, to those of you who are not familiar, is a fairly simple concept.

1 pixel for 1 dollar!

The Brit guy's website has 1 million pixels, and he sold all of them, so he is a millionaire now. *one stunned look*

Turodrique suggested to me a long time ago that I should consider putting a pixel banner on my sidebar.

He said that my site always has visitors, and unlike the Brit guy the ads won't be neglected after all the limelight has died down since he does not have content.

But this was like 1 year ago and nobody really worked on it.

Finally Mike did (for months!), and somehow he managed to steal obtain a script from an open source and implement it here!


Now I have sent emails to all interested advertisers asking them to buy a banner, so that's why you see I already have some clients, some of which are still pending. :)

(Maddox's ad is obviously just a sample, the space is reserved for Localbrand as a reward for Turodrique's brilliance, but T has yet to send me his banner...)

Now to the many many of you who have asked me to link you - HERE IS YOUR ANSWER!

Buy a pixel ad now while a 50% discount is still going on for the first 20 customers!

See the little square boxes? Each of them is 100 pixels and cost $50!

100 pixels is the minimum to purchase, but you can of course buy bigger spaces.

Submit a picture or graphic, your url and a little description of your site, and guess what?


You can do whatever you want with your ad of course, since $50 is so bloody cheap...

Can put a banner to ask people to support the Superband you like...

Or boyfriends can say they love their girlfriends, or even you can announce who your enemy is and call him a cow-fucker. But try not to get me into trouble lar...

It's very simple to do - just click on the link that says "Click here to get your own pixels!" and it will tell you everything you need to know.

Of course, if you don't have a paypal account and want to either send me a cheque or do a bank transfer, just send me an email telling me, and I will do the whole uploading and everything else for you. :)

Must purchase quickly now! If you are the 21st customer and onwards it will be a minimum cost of $100...

OEI, BUY LAH! Support support mah!

Maybe if I get more customers this can go on newspapers. :D
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