Amateur Milf Bended Over The Sofa And Fucked

Amateur Milf was not in the mood to have sex today, but this guy wanted it no matter what. He started stripping her clothes and fuck her while she was bended over the sofa. Another cheating wife caught on camera and taped on xxx tube.
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Bicycle Cycle CFR

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Bicycle Cycle CFR

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Curtis, I'll match yours and say....

Would You?
Wedge, Newport CA
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Curtis, I'll match yours and say....

Would You?
Wedge, Newport CA
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"Soft-Core Friday" - The season of love...and tight white pants

It is my season of love, football season. Oh and Fall. Between the two of these factors, I'm a very happy girl.
This "Soft-Core Friday" is dedicated to my men in tight white pants.... my Indianapolis Colts and The Ohio State University. As I type this, I'm watching my boy, Pierre Garcon, talking and I'm smiling just seeing his hot face on my TV screen again. It doesn't take much to make me happy.

I know when it comes to football, everyone has their team and I would never try to sway anyone to mine. But the Colts are a good team. They do good things for a lot of people off the field and that counts to me as much as how they play. Plus I look good in blue so any excuse to sport my cute blue girl jersey, I'm all about it. I am a girl after all.

And as for The Ohio State University...well... they have had some bumps in the road lately. But, I dare you to watch this video and not be completely pumped for their season. I get chills every time I watch it.  You know what I will be doing most Saturdays from now until basically the snow stops falling. 

And since this is "Soft-Core Friday" and all, you should know that while some people take half-time to order pizza or make a beer run, I like to use my half-time at home for a little mid-game lovin'....what can I say, football gets me hot! I can't be expected to wait until it's over can I? 

I'm going to go ahead and say that this satisfies #6 on my 30 Days of Shamelessness adventure: act “girly” or “manly” in a way you’d normally avoid. Most girls don't crush on football quite as hard as I do. 

For the boys, I offer you the Colts Cheerleaders for a little eye candy. You are welcome. You can order the Cheerleader calendar here if you care to do so... just to keep track of the days and all... 

On a more serious note, I just want to take a minute to say "thank you" for the amazing support you all gave me on yesterday's 30 Days of Shamelessness post. It sucked to write it but I so appreciate you giving the me the space to put it out there.   As Forrest Gump said, "that's all I have to say about that." 

Rick Perry and Sex Education: Abstinence works!

Don't have sex. It's so obvious. It's so logical. Why are we even talking? Don't have sex and you don't pregnant. Don't have sex and you don't get an STD. Don't have sex and you don't get AIDS. What's not to get about this?

Drive safely and you won't have an accident. Follow the posted speed limit and not only will you not get a speeding ticket, you won't have an accident. Keep your hands on the wheel and your attention focused on driving without talking on a cellphone or texting or reading or eating your lunch and you won't have an accident. Heck, who needs a seat belt? If we all follow the rules, we won't need traffic cops or radar traps. Why are we even talking?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration published that 33,808 people died in traffic accidents in the United States in 2009. The published stats going back 16 years show a total of 661,403 deaths or an average of 41,338 per year. It seems that 2009 was a good year.

Drive safely and you won't have an accident? How's that one workin' out for ya?

According to UNAIDS.Org, there are 33 million on the planet currently living with HIV (2009). The same report estimates that in 2009, 1.8 million died from AIDS.

In the United States, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 18,000 people die each year from AIDS.

The CDC reports for 2009 more than 1.2 million cases of chlamydia, 301,174 reported cases of gonorrhea and 13,997 reported cases of syphilis. CDC estimates that undiagnosed and untreated STDs cause at least 24,000 women in the U.S. each year to become infertile.

827,609 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC in 2007 although the Guttmacher Institute reports 1.2 million in 2008. (CDC reporting is voluntary while the institute actively gets the numbers.) Statistics Canada reports 96,815 induced abortions were performed in Canada in 2005.

Theory versus Reality
In theory, if we all drove safely, there would be no accidents. In theory, if we all followed the speed limit, there would be no speeding tickets hence no need for traffic cops. The reality is so far from the theory that anybody would laugh if we suggested retiring our traffic cops and letting the citizenry police themselves. It would seem that the word freedom means the freedom to make mistakes or to deliberately do what's not right or to thumb your nose at the rules because nobody's going to tell you what to do.

Anti-abortionists actually increase the number of abortions
Christina Page, author of a 2006 book about the pro-life movement and its war on sex, wrote in the Huffington Post on February 24, 2009:

A new report released today by the Guttmacher Institute found that increasing access to contraception is the most effective approach to reducing unwanted pregnancy rates and the need for abortion. That report specifically concluded that making contraception available to low income women reduces the number of abortions by nearly 40%. When birth control isn't available unintended pregnancy increases by 2 million and the number of abortions spikes by more than 800,000 each year. Researchers noted that providing contraception saves taxpayers 4 times as much as not providing it.

Time: Healthland - Aug 31/2011
Gov. Rick Perry's Weird Science: Teen Pregnancy Aside, "Abstinence Works" By Meredith Melnick
Texas has the highest teen birth rate and the fourth highest teen pregnancy rate in the U.S., according to the Guttmacher Institute. So when Gov. Perry turned down $4.4 million in federal funding for pregnancy prevention programs and decided to continue with state-funded abstinence-only education in October 2010, a reporter from the Texas Tribune asked him why. Specifically, why, in the face of rising teen pregnancy rates, would the governor stick with a method that didn't seem to be working?

"Abstinence works," Perry replied to a roomful of laughter. The reporter pressed on, asking for data to back up the assertion that abstinence education leads to lower teen pregnancy rates. Flustered, Perry said that he knew abstinence worked from his "own personal life."

Uploaded by thecentristword on Aug 15, 2011
Rick Perry Struggles to answer Question on Abstinence
Rick Perry Struggles to answer Question on Abstinence - what seems to be a rather simple question turns into a bit of a confusing mess. Give this guy the nuclear button? I wouldn't suggest it.

Final Word
I think that Rick Perry is absolutely right: abstinence does work. And to support Mr. Perry in his promotion of abstinence, I would propose that all voters plan to abstain from voting for him.

I sit here literally stunned by the level of stupidity, incompetence and outright blindness to reality that comes from the faith-based movements. Albert Einstein supposedly said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Abstinence in theory seems logical. However a truly great visionary will see that while theory is a start, it is only a start and the implementation of a theory leads one to discover the flaws in the original theory.

Theory: If we all abstain from sex, nobody gets pregnant. Reality: People are not going to stop having sex. Theory: We all drive safely, there will be no accidents. Reality: Do I really have to fill this one in?

Sarah Palin is intellectually challenged. Michele Bachmann is cerebrally deficient. And Rick Perry? Hey, nice suit! Mr. Perry blindly persists in a course of action dictated by his whimsical interpretation of the Bible and his own limited experience in life. I am reminded of a blogger at Open Salon called Cranky Cuss who has written in his bio:

My motto: The conventional wisdom has too much convention, not enough wisdom.

Corollary: Even Einstein was wrong sometimes, and you're not Einstein.

Yes, Einstein. That is a reminder about this election season of just how little Einstein we'll get and how much Forrest Gump. Then again, Forrest demonstrated a very down to earth practical approach to life and its problems. When I look at Rick Perry, I begin to think Forrest was a genius.


Wikipedia: Abstinence
Abstinence is a voluntary restraint from indulging in bodily activities that are widely experienced as giving pleasure. Most frequently, the term refers to sexual abstinence, or abstention from alcohol or food. The practice can arise from religious prohibitions or practical considerations. Abstinence may also refer to drugs. For example you can abstain from smoking. Abstinence has diverse forms. Commonly it refers to a temporary or partial abstinence from food, as in fasting. In the twelve-step program of Overeaters Anonymous abstinence is the term for refraining from compulsive eating, akin in meaning to sobriety for alcoholics. Because the regimen is intended to be a conscious act, freely chosen to enhance life, abstinence is sometimes distinguished from the psychological mechanism of repression. The latter is an unconscious state, having unhealthy consequences. Freud termed the channeling of sexual energies into other more culturally or socially acceptable activities, "sublimation".

Wikipedia: Sexual abstinence
Sexual abstinence is the practice of refraining from some or all aspects of sexual activity for medical, psychological, legal, social or religious reasons.

Huffington Post - Feb 24/2009
"Pro-Life" Movement Admits Pro-Abortion Stance by Christina Page
Sometimes referred to as "The Pro-life Paradox," researchers and women's health advocates in recent years have drawn attention to the disparities between the mission statements of so-called "anti-abortion" groups and the effects of their policies. For example, the countries considered the most "pro-choice," where contraception is widely available and abortion is legal, and often free of charge, are those that also have the lowest abortion rates in the world. The countries with the highest rates of abortion are those that have adopted the policies of the so-called "anti-abortion" movement and have banned abortion and opposed efforts to make contraception more widely available.

Guttmacher Institute - Feb 24/2009
1.94 million unintended pregnancies and 810,000 abortions prevented each year
By providing millions of young and low-income women access to voluntary contraceptive services, the national family planning program prevents 1.94 million unintended pregnancies, including almost 400,000 teen pregnancies, each year. These pregnancies would result in 860,000 unintended births, 810,000 abortions and 270,000 miscarriages, according to a new Guttmacher Institute report.

How the Pro-Choice Movement Saved America: Freedom, Politics and the War on Sex
by Christina Page
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Basic Books (December 26, 2006)
The abortion issue is a cover for a fundamentalist "anti-contraception" and "anti-sex movement," argues this vigorous broadside. In a well-researched and pointed critique of prolife excesses, NARAL official Page (The Smart Girl's Guide to College) details the multifaceted opposition the Christian right has mounted to a broad range of reproductive rights. Prolife groups, she notes, have fraudulently conflated contraceptives with devices or substances that cause abortion, championed pharmacists who refuse to sell contraceptives, and organized to block over-the-counter sale of "Plan B" emergency contraceptive pills. Attacking both feminism and premarital sex, she contends, they vilify working moms and push ineffective abstinence-only sex-ed curricula, and have even opposed a vaccine against the HPV virus, a major cause of cervical cancer, claiming it would promote promiscuity. The irony, she argues, is that prolifers' effort to restrict access to contraception actually increases the number of abortions. Against what she believes is the fundamentalists' dour procreationist ideology and animus toward sexual pleasure itself, Page celebrates the blessings conferred by contraceptives in liberating women, and their families, in our modern "pro-choice world," claiming that "regular sex brings people as much happiness as a $50,000-a-year raise." If sometimes a tad facile, her defense of the sexual revolution in upbeat—even patriotic—terms makes this a spirited, thought-provoking addition to the culture wars. (review by Publishers Weekly - Dec 19/2005)

Wikipedia: Seat belt legislation
Studies of accident outcomes suggest that fatality rates among car occupants are reduced by between 30 and 50 per cent if seat belts are worn. The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that death risks for a driver wearing a lap-shoulder seat belt are reducing by 48 per cent. The same study indicated that in 2007, an estimated 15 147 lives were saved by seat belts in the United States and that, if seat belt use were increased to 100 per cent an additional 5024 lives would have been saved. An earlier statistical analysis by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) claimed that seat belts save over 10,000 lives every year in the US.

Freakonomics - April 2/2010
Life (and Death) in the Fast Lane by Eric A. Morris
According to a recent paper by Lee S. Friedman, Donald Hedeker, and Elihu D. Richter, the lifting of the federal 55 mph speed limit in 1995 was responsible for 12,545 deaths between 1995 and 2005. That’s about 45 percent more American fatalities than we have suffered in 9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan put together.


Site Map - William Quincy BelleFollow me on Twitter

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Still pumping

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Still pumping

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Obat Perangsang Permen Karet paling manjur dan aman

Obat Perangsang Permen Karet adalah obat perangsang No.1 di Dunia, reaksi 10 menit dan di jamin si cewek akan minta lagi dan minta lagi. reaksi cepat dan tidak berbau. rasanya seperti permen happydent white atau cricket, rasa menthol alami, persis seperti rasa aslinya. rasanya dingin menthol semriwing….. tapi khasiatnya,Panas!!! 
Kelebihan obat perangsang permen karet ini adalah :
* Tidak Bau,
* Tidak Mencurigakan karena bentuknya yang unik dan familiar,
* Rasanya enak seperti permen biasa,
* Tidak perlu Air,

* Bisa dipakai kapanpun anda mau,
* Mudah dibawa kemanapun,
* Praktis dan tidak perlu takut tumpah.
* dan masih banyak keunggulan lainnya
Cara Pakai :
* Tinggal kasihkan ke target, anda tawari permen, kemudian biar di kunyah atau dihisap permennya, seperti makan permen biasa itu lho. kemudian,tunggu 10 menit, siap siap saja anda kuwalahan melayani si cewek, karena dia akan minta lagi dan minta lagi. enak tenan….!!!!
* Contoh nya : bisa di campurkan di permen Happydent White, atau permen cricket supaya target tidak tahu atau tidak curiga. Caranya?? Ganti dong bungkus permennya dengan bungkus karet yang sejenis, misal HAPPYDENT, CRIKETS.
* Sisain permen karet asli 1 biji aja buat anda makan sendiri, yang lainnya isi dengan permen karet perangsang ini, nah sambil makan permen karet Crikets ato HAPPYDENT tawarin ke TARGET, dijamin kagak bakalan ada yang nolak, Jadi rencana anda akan mulus dan enjoy aja lagi!!!
* Oh ya, Dosis nya cukup satu butir saja, kalau untuk orang yang sudah agak berusia, silahkan kasih dua. kalau cewek muda cukup satu butir saja. tapi sekiranya menurut anda kurang cepat lagi, bagi dua butir.
Sudah banyak yang make trik ini dan gak ada yang bilang GAGAL, so let’s try aja deh boss
Dijamin, karena sudah ratusan orang yang membuktikan permen karet obat perangsang ini.Jangan lupa lengkapi juga permainan anda ini dengan obat kuat sex nya.

Harga : Rp. 150.000

Cinematic Video de ocho

episode 8 all the way from camp of champs in whistler BC
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Cinematic Video de ocho

episode 8 all the way from camp of champs in whistler BC
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Daddy pounding my hairy ass bareback

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Hyakkan Boogie

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Cycle Fuck

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Whipped Cream Cock Fest

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36 hot senior 6

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Americo And Rey

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Whatever...fuck you...this shit is awesome.

I’m a slut for ice cream. Jesus Christ, am I ever. 

Well… more accurately, I’m a prostitute for ice cream.

Seriously, if someone tried to barter sex with ice cream…I’d hesitate. There would be no “what the fuck” exclamation or some immediate look of disgust and/or constipation. More of a “this guy gets me”/ “did I just meet my soul mate” look.

It’s sad really. I’d have sex in exchange for some Tasti-D Lite. To be quite honest, Tasti-Delight is legal tender in my fantasy world, as it should be in everyone’s fantasy world.

And if you don’t know what Tasti-D Lite is, get the fuck out of my face, get on Google maps, find the nearest one, buy a pint, come back to my face, spoon feed me the whole pint, and then we’ll have sex.

I may be a little gassy though…. Dairy products always seem to make me gassy…

Like I’ve said before (and if you haven’t already noticed) my life is pathetic/sick/mildly entertaining for anyone how is not me.

My top favorite places in NYC are Tasti-D Lite, Yogurtland, Serendipity, (terrible movie, fucking awesome ice-cream) and McDonalds. I don’t care if there are McDonalds everywhere in the fucking world; their ice cream is like fucking crack. And for that I will always be indebted to Ronald McDonald, you brilliant, brilliant clown you.

I have an addiction. Seriously. I have to eat it everyday or I go ape-shit.

Ever see the movie Requiem for a Dream? That’s my life in a nutshell. And by Requiem for a Dream I mean Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles. And by Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles I mean, The Apple Dumpling Gang. But I think you get the similarities.

But I may have/probably/most definitely woken up half-naked in a pool of my own vomit before…and by before I mean yesterday.

I wish we could do more things with ice cream really. I wish we could snort it, inject it into our veins, use it as shampoo/body wash/lotion.

I’m pretty sure ice cream is the elixir of life. I’m also pretty sure a pint of Ben and Jerry’s would end the war on terror.

What if bullets were made out of ice cream?! Dear god, why hasn’t anyone thought of this before.

And, I think I just figured out how I’m going to get rich, bitches.
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Taking it Deep - 30 Days of Shamelessness gets real

Today I'm taking it deep at Random Girl. This is for several reasons. First of all, if everything was always silly and full of shenanigans, I would be Predictable Girl, not Random Girl.. Secondly, if I am really going to embrace the 30 Days of Shamelessness concept, I need to be real about the few things on the list that could give me an opportunity to grow and move past some shit.  Consider this your warning and feel free to bail out now if you don't want to come along for the ride.  

I'm knocking out two of the heavy hitters with this post because they are kind of  related, at least in my mind, and I don't want to have to write about this kind of stuff again any time soon. I kind of hate this, which means I probably really need to do it. So here goes.... 

Consider this me coming clean on the following days worth of shamelessness:
9. expose something messy or dirty you’d usually hide.
24. share a struggle you have yet to “just get over.”

I'm going to expose something that is messy that I would usually hide. It's also a struggle I have yet to "just get over".  Yes, I am dramatic like that sometimes.  Here's my story.

Sometimes one thing leads to another that leads to another and before you know it you are somewhere you didn't think you would be doing something you wouldn't think you would do and you aren't quite sure why. Ever been there? 

There was a period of time for me, like between the ages of 5-7 years old, when something that shouldn't have happened to me, did. I didn't know it at the time but after growing older and learning more about such things, I can clearly say that it was wrong and it was not my fault.  That's the advantage and the curse of having perspective. 

At the time, it was all presented like a game, like something that should be fun, was innocent, and I should even enjoy. And because the person that did it was close to the family and not a whole lot older than me, it was all ignored by the adults that should have intervened. It was written off as insignificant. It was not. But not knowing the full extent of what was going on or the impact that it would have on me as I grew older and developed my self-image, I simply pushed it back from my mind and went on about my business. 

My family moved and it became a non issue although I still would see this person from time to time. I just smiled politely and tried to avoid him. I didn't want to think about it and I certainly didn't want to talk about it. Once, when we were older, I think I was like 16 at the time, we ended up alone for a moment and he brought it up. I think he was attempting to apologize but I couldn't think about it or talk about it so I cut him off mid-sentence and I left. Ignore it and it will go away right?? 

But it didn't go away. It never had. It was always in the back of mind in two ways. 1) I was never really sure what to think about what had happened. I didn't think that he had hurt me but I also knew that something was very off with the situation because every time I thought about it, I wanted to get sick to my stomach which tells me that at the core, it was bad. 2) I lost respect for my body and didn't think it was worth honoring and protecting any longer because the damage had already been done. 

The second part was something I didn't figure out until much later, after I had abused my body in a number of ways including hiding behind being a "fat kid" in elementary school, stashing diet pills and adopting the "scarf and barf" lifestyle in high school, and offering myself up to most any guy that showed me attention to try to prove I was  "in control" of the situation. I clearly was not in control of anything in those situations. 

I lost the perception of myself, my body, and my worth. I felt like it wasn't mine to have since it was already taken over once.  How could it be important if someone else was allowed to do things to me and no one who could have stopped it did? What did that say about how important I was or how much value I had? 

I know now how flawed that thinking was and how it wasn't my fault. I don't blame my parents or other adults that could have or should have known because I don' t think it was intentionally ignored. I know how strong denial can be and how you can talk yourself into believing that "nothing happened" if realizing that the opposite is too painful to admit and if taking action would destroy other people. 

Why am I talking about this now? Why am I using space to drag you all into this not-so-happy place that was hidden for so long? Because I need to for myself. I don't have the luxury of denying and ignoring any longer because now I have a daughter. A daughter that is the same age as I was when this started happening to me. I have to be honest about what can happen and I won't risk letting the same things happen to my daughter that happened to me and pretend it can't or won't happen to her. 

I can't change anything that happened to me but I can change how I deal with it and I can use that experience to be extra aware and vigilant in protecting her. That's my responsibility and that's the lesson I have learned. 

I'm also using this for my response to the Studio 30 Plus weekly prompt: The End
If you aren't part of S30P yet, you need to be. Get over there and sign up!

Aunt Nikki will teach you all you need to know

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Bolton's Housing Crisis

BOLTON is on the verge of a “hidden housing crisis”, the man in charge of the borough’s social housing has warned.
And Bolton at Home chief executive Jon Lord has said thousands of people will never get off waiting lists — unless new homes are built.
The waiting list for social housing has doubled since 1998, when it was about 6,000. Mr Lord says the economic downturn and the Government’s tightening of planning laws means there are now about 20,000 people on the waiting list in Bolton, with about 12,000 of those “active”, meaning they are in urgent need of new or more suitable homes.
The housing boss, who took over Bolton at Home in April, 2010, said while on-street homelessness is relatively low in Bolton, an increasing number of people are in danger of living in severely overcrowded conditions. That has a knock-on effect on health, education and employment.
Bolton At Home has 18,040 houses, of which 323 are empty as they are undergoing repairs or being made ready to let.
Mr Lord said: “The issue for us is our capacity to get more properties that can ‘eat’ into that waiting list— at the moment we could never clear that list.”
The waiting lists could grow even longer as economic pressures lead to more people losing their jobs and struggling to pay mortgages.
Comparing the situation now to the period when waiting lists were at their lowest, Mr Lord said: “We used to have to go out and advertise properties in the 1990s. Now we are regularly getting 50 to 100 expressions of interest for properties which would have been considered less attractive back then.”
He added that a new trend was emerging, where people chose to move out of their homes and return to living with family.
Mr Lord stressed the impact unsuitable housing can have on young people’s educations and said the key to improving the prospects for people trapped in unsuitable houses is to find them “a home rather than just a roof”.
“We are dealing with people’s lives and it’s the people side of it where you see the successes and the tragedies,” he said.
Bolton At Home is examining ways of dealing with the housing deficit. These include buying back council houses which were sold under the right-to-buy scheme, expanding its private- sector leasing scheme and building new houses, although this option is limited by planning laws.
Bosses are also supporting Bolton Council schemes which offer people advice on mortgages, debt prevention and money skills.
But Mr Lord says that change needs to happen at a national level if the crisis is to be averted.
He added: “We seem to be stuck with some very traditional ways of funding things. At the moment, people are putting sticking plasters on, rather than looking for a lasting solution.”
“I don’t think any government has got it right in years. Doing an all-party national housing policy should be relatively straightforward, but no one has ever done it.”
In February, 17 new council homes were built in Heywood Street, Little Lever, at a cost of £1.8 million.
On a national level, home ownership is set to slump over the next decade to levels not seen since the 1980s.
According to a forecast by the National Housing Federation, it will fall to just 63.8 per cent over the next 10 years.
The average house price in England will rise by 21.3 per cent over the next five years, from £214,647 in 2011 to £260,304 in 2016, according to Oxford Economics, who were commissioned to produce the forecasts.
The federation said that in the 2010/11 financial year, 105,000 homes were built in England — the lowest level since the 1920s.

The situation to this problem is very simple. Stop flooding our town with immigrants, and there will be enough houses to go round for the people of Bolton.
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Would you?

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Would you?

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Site Map

Carte de site News: my articles from the last month in this online newspaper
The end of life as we know it
The Psycho Ex Wife: ex bashing taken to the next level
NPD: Diagnosing that @#$%^* bastard
Why did that @#$%^* bastard divorce me?
Men are just a bunch of @#$%^* sex addicts!
Nostalgia, divorce: You can't go home again
If the situation had been reversed...
Father's Day: the rehabilitation of a fallen man
The War of the Divorcées
Funny quotes about marriage (and divorce)
Laura Munson: Save a marriage by doing nothing
Raoul Felder: The Good Divorce
Divorce: Love yourself to love others
Divorce: The first offer is usually the best
Marriage doesn't have to last forever to be good
Divorce mistakes to avoid
Midlife Crisis: Weiner-Davis vs Craig Ferguson
Michele Weiner-Davis: The Divorce Buster
Two-thirds of divorces are filed by women
Tricia Walsh: Let's divorce on YouTube!
Blogging your way through divorce
The Bitter Divorcée
Perils of Divorced Pauline
Postcards From a Peaceful Divorce
Does divorce make us happier?

My take on a taboo subject
Jane Fonda, Yogi Berra and Grey Sex
AskMen: Great Male Survey 2011
Erectile dysfunction or just not sexually aroused
Whether I'm crazy or not depends on the company I keep
Men value snuggling, women value sex
Sex fantasies make for better sex lives
Happy Guys Finish Last
2011 Playboy Sex Survey
Those who post lots of photos on Facebook seek attention
Men are always ready, willing, and able
Sex Ed: Tracey Cox
The Well Heeled Cook: Food as a sensual part of sex
Men want marriage more than women?
Sex Ed: Betty Dodson: educator, author, pro-sex feminist
Teenagers and sex: More chaste, less chased
Romance Novels: porn for women
Men can be creeps
Men stare at women. Who knew?
Single people: alone but not necessarily lonely
Dating: Are women shallower than men?
The Average Life Expectancy Of A Porn Star by Rev. Daniel R. Jennings
Roxy aka Shelley Lubben vs. the (porn) world
Sex: And the #1 reason why men cheat is...
Sex: The Coolidge Effect and why men are men
Sex in a Digital Age
The Me Marriage
Sex in America
Dating: Women react to romantic songs
Marriage: Having our lives witnessed
Alone: My New Year's Resolution
Relationships: Spending Christmas and the holidays alone
Relationships: The Power of Touch
Sex on Facebook and Twitter
What do men want?
Men are visual
Sex Ed: Dr. Laura Berman
Over 50, over the hill?
Men fake it too : What? We can?
Sex Ed: Violet Blue
Sex Ed: Scarleteen
Sex Ed: Sue Johanson
Cindy Gallop: Make Love Not Porn
Censorship: Kill me but no sex please
Carnography: Vegetarians need not apply
Still Dirty After All These Years
Ballroom Dancing: A metaphor for men and women?
I'm a man and you're a... Well, a slut. There, I said it.
Men Are From Mars Yes, we certainly can be weird.
Cleavage Luv it, but there is a time and a place.
1% vs. 99% Amount of sex vs. importance of sex

My investigative series on a controversial topic
An investigation: summary of the series
* Statistics Laundering
* How much is there?
* Searching for what?
* What is it?
* Does it lead to crime?
* Defended by... what!?! Feminists?
* Who buys the most? Conservatives!
* Does it lead to crime? Part 2
* I'm confused
* Is it an addiction?
* My conclusions

Women's Rights
How could I not weigh in on this one?
Slutwalk: Support our sluts!
Justice Robert Dewar: rape is inconsiderate
Men aren't violent and I'll kill you if you disagree
The Great Debate: seat up or seat down?
Honour Killings: new term, old idea
Marc Lépine: in remembrance of December 6, 1989
Because I Am a Girl
The Face of Anti-Abortionists: Neal Horsley
Anti-Abortionists: Murder by proxy
Spousal Support
Cruelty knows no bounds
Abortion: My final word on unwanted pregnancy
Abortion: If we make it illegal, the problem will go away
In Praise of Women

My $0.02
I just had to give my opinion
Anonymity and the freedom to do anything
The Internet and anonymity: the good, the bad and the (unknown) ugly
ORM: Your online reputation is the history of your life
Anonymous on the Net: Not!
On-line, oh so not private and busted
Ellen Jong: The body as performance art
Nick Vujicic: What can I complain about?
Paraprosdokian? A skin rash needing some ointment?
William Shatner, McGill U., and Discovery (videos)
Grand Rapids, Michigan ain't dying! (video)
Cool Beans
The highs and lows of going viral
My shrink worries about my manliness
Michael Jackson: still dead but working hard
3.14 reasons to celebrate Pi Day
Christwire, satire and anal bleach
You're never too old to be juvenile
Rally Race Car Crashes (video)
Macaroni and cheese: 30 Days, 30 Ways
15 Signs You'll Be Rich
Outlawing bodily functions
The Internet: Are we addicted? Or just dumb?
The Great Debate: Toilet paper over the roll or under
Do Nothing for 2 Minutes
January 28, 1986, 11:38am: Oh, that's what an O-ring is for!
Music: I want to take you higher
Wikipedia is 10 years old
Luck: Preparation meets Opportunity
My 15 Minutes of Fat
Alone: My New Year's Resolution
Salman Hossain: Our favourite Jew-hater is back!
Gaza: An escalation of violence
The Toronto Subway: The Better Poop... er, Way
Flash Mob
Top Words for 2010
Press any key to continue
Immaculate Congestion
Internet TV
58 down, 23 to go
Would Skinner have owned a Blackberry?
Damn toilet
Green coal?
Your dog just bite me!
Parachuting: If God had meant me to...
I suck; you suck; we all suck. What!?!
My 15 minutes are not up!
Zipcars: the way of my future

Theatre Reviews
Live and on stage
Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament
Priscilla Queen of the Dessert
Rock of Ages

Ya gotta take care of yourself!
Jack Layton and Our Prostates
Gettin' old, man boobs and Vladimir Putin
An apple a day keeps the doctor at bay
Don't worry, be happy. You'll be healthier and live longer.
Codependency: we're in this together
Aspirin: good for what doesn't ail you
Vitamin D: the sunshine vitamin
Barb Tarbox (and my mother): bigger warnings on cigarettes
Macular Degenration: a problem I can't see
Where the sun don't shine: my colonoscopy
My Prostate: something near and dear to me
F*** Cancer
Living alone: the dangers of BPPV
Focal Dystonia: focal what?
Run for your lives! Literally.
Alcoholism: I'll drink to that!
Hot Dogs: Worth their weight in salt... literally!

Oh brother, here I go! Up on the soapbox!
Rick Perry and Sex Education: Abstinence works!
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Casey Anthony, O.J. and Steven Truscott
England's Riots: Anarchy in the U.K.
Was George W. Bush the worst president ever?
Rick Perry, the NAR and the Rapture of Morons
All the rich are not billionaires: Shame on you, Warren Buffett!
Obama is a worthless piece of...
Michele Bachmann and the far, far, far, far, far right
If I can pay, the rich can pay
Michele Bachmann, a Corn Dog and the Oral Office
Michele Bachmann: the next president of the WTH!?!
Bill Maher compares GOP to Casey Anthony trial: July 9, 2011
The burden of proof: Casey Anthony, not guilty
June is Takei Pride Month
Bradley Manning: Hero or Traitor?
Pamela Madsen, Jack Layton, and an erotic massage
To those who are about to kill, we salute you
The Halton Catholic School Board: a "gay" anachronism
Catholic school disciplines pro-choice student
Jenny Peto and Baruch Goldstein
Arizona: Politics by 9mm Glock
Bibi Aisha: from the Taliban to Time Magazine
George W. Bush: Memoirs of the Decider
Lies, Deception and The (My) Truth
Freedom of Speech: freedom to say anything?
Sarah Palin: Refudiate this!

Movie Reviews
Gawd, who doesn't love the movies? Escapism!
Movie Review: Rise of the Planet of the Apes: Good. 80% good!
The Trip: 2 guys talking. Yep, just talking. But hilarious!!!
Cowboys and Aliens: Not bad. Odd but not bad.
Crazy, Stupid, Love.: Terrific! Loved it!
Captain America: The First Avenger: Good blockbuster action adventure
Friends With Benefits: Formula but still enjoyable
Horrible Bosses: Good. Not great, but good
Beginners: A pleasant surprise
Larry Crowne: Nope, doesn't work
Transformers: Dark of the Moon: Beat you into submission
The Tree of Life: Arty, good, but long
Green Lantern: *slaps forehead* Bad
Bridesmaids: Much better than you would think.
Super 8: Good fun
Kung Fu Panda 2: Excellent family fun
Midnight in Paris: OMG! It's fabulous and it's Paris!
X-Men: First Class: competent entertainment
Potiche: Comme ci comme ça
Certified Copy: intriguing, intimate
Fast Five: Good thrill ride
Thor: Not bad... (ringing endorsement?)
Movie Review: Hanna: Don't bother
The Lincoln Lawyer: I enjoyed this
Source Code: Okay
The Adjustment Bureau: Not bad
Limitless: Terrific premise
Oscars 2011: my recap, my reviews
Another Year: Great character study
Blue Valentine: Excellent, poignant
Movie Preview: Orgasm Inc.
The King's Speech : Excellent
Barney's Version: Terrific
True Grit: Terrific
Tron: Legacy: preview: excited; movie: not so excited
Love and Other Drugs: So-so
Tangled: Holy cow!
The Tourist: What!?!
Megamind: Not bad
Movie Preview: Tron: Legacy: I'm excited
Client 9: The Rise and Fall of Eliot Spitzer: fascinating
Unstoppable: ok
Fair Game: good
Carlos: an excellent slice of history
Handsome Harry: well done
Inside Job: See this movie!
Jackass 3D: This is my 15 minutes?
Lovely Still: lovely
Red: okay, formula
Easy A: a pleasant surprise
Waiting for Superman: thought-provoking
The Social Network: excellent!
Machete: Why?
The Town: good
Money Never Sleeps: Had to see it. Good
Resident Evil: Afterlife: Kill me
The American: Well done
The Expendables: formula
Eat Pray Love: Eat, Pray, Loath?
Despicable Me in 3D: good
Salt: not enough spice
Toy Story 3 in 3D: Good as always
Inception: My Dream Critique

Here's me off on a tangent
Conspiracy: one man's truth, another man's lunacy
We always come back to Hitler
Extremism and Extremist
Is Dearborn, Michigan an Islamic state?
Can Canada's Stockwell Day count?
Gee, can the U.S.'s Sarah Palin count?

Some fun/interesting places
Voluntourism: see the world and do some good
Sedona: Hot Air Ballooning

The OMG-20 Summit: June 2010
I was there! Yes, right at the front lines!
In defence of Officer Bubbles
Toronto: New Arrests over G20 Vandalism
Complete photos and videos
The Aftermath, the Afterthoughts
Sunday, June 27 : It's over
Saturday, June 26 : I'm shocked. Here?
Friday, June 25 : I'll show you

Is that lint in my belly button?
Eyeborg: The Six Thousand Dollar Man
June 8, 2011: World IPv6 Day
Optimism: We're hardwired to ignore defeat
May 21: The end of the world (Afterword May 22)
What's wrong with the world? Women wearing pants!
Sat Mar 19/2011: It's a "super full moon"!
Earth Hour: 60 minutes to make a difference
The Internet Is Full
Gorilla walks like a man
Weird: Hippo licks croc, saves impala (videos)
Solar Winds: sail to the stars
Planet Earth: 7 billion people in 2011
Life Explained (sort of)
God does "not" help those who help themselves
Hans Rosling: The Joy of Stats
Astronomy 2 for 1: Winter Solstice and Lunar Eclipse
A hundred years from now it won't matter
Passion: Can you live without it?
God Hates Women
Poor Me
I met a man with no feet
How long is a day to God?
Conversations With God

Yep, my home town
Rob Ford or the public: Now who's dumber?
Rob Ford: Cut taxes. Oops, no money for TTC
Rob Ford: Can I count on this man?
Rob Ford drops the bag... er, ball
TTC strike: each day costs $50 million. What!?!
TTC: Essential Service vs. the Right to Strike
Rob Ford: Let the show begin!
Toronto Mayoral Debate: This is it folks!

Books / Writing
Between the covers, between the lines
Shane Koyczan: author, poet and performance artist
Blogging: Using Google as a research tool
Blogging: Does crossposting increase traffic?
Writing for Blogging for Money for a Living
Kindle E-books Overtake Paper Books
Writing: Stories in tweets
Make Love Not Porn by Cindy Gallop
Shameless by Pamela Madsen
Blogging: Just another drop in the bucket
Dean Wesley Smith: Dean of Star Trek
Gay male romance for women
Amanda Hocking: indie author goes viral maybe this doesn't help writers
Holly Lisle: before I'm 25, I want to write a book.
Writing: November Challenges
NaBloPoMo: National Blog Posting Month
Assembly Line Writing: churning it out
James Patterson: some don't like me, many more do
Writing: Less is more: the drabble
NaNoWriMo: Write a novel in 1 month?
Alexandra Penney: she was "madoffed"
The Millionaire Next Door
On Writing by Stephen King
The Wealthy Barber

We all gotta eat, right?
The Krispy Kreme Burger: gag me with a spoon
Coffee: our favourite drug
Food: The Cook in Heels
Macaroni & Cheese: 30 days, 30 ways
Turducken: tur-what-in (the heck)?
My "Dream" Cherry Cheesecake
Boiling spaghetti: to salt or not to salt

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