I put a couple more videos up on YouTube.

This was a skit I wrote and directed for a company trip in the Spring of 2003 (I think, or it could be 2002 or even '04). There never was a real script as such. I just assembled the cast, gave them the basic storyline and had them make up their own parts. Most of the cast were members of the company's events division and had a lot of experience putting on superhero action shows for children. This was sort of a mix of a MAD magazine type parody of The Last Samurai, Kill Bill and The Matrix mixed with a Japanese superhero action show and my own twisted fantasies. You'll see...

The subtitles are approximates. I couldn't really hear what was being said with the bad audio and besides that a lot of the dialog is in-jokes that nobody outside the company would get. The references to me leaving at 6 o'clock have to do with my American style work habits which don't really match how they do things in Japan. It wasn't entirely true. I did work late lots of nights. Just not every night like most of the rest of the company.

I dearly love all these people.

This is my appearance circa 1983 or '84 on The Ghoul show. The Ghoul was a late-night horror movie host in Cleveland and Detroit whose hey-day was a decade before this. He was still cool in the eighties. He was a lot more low key when I watched him as a kid. Back then his show was a revelation.

This is seriously goofy.

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