"Soft-Core Friday" - Which came first?

Hey kids, Happy Friday! I'm not here today, or for the next few days as I have jetted off to a not-so-exotic destination for a long weekend.

I thought today I would take a humorous spin on my normally racy "Soft-Core Friday" posting. It's my blog, I'll do as I please, thank you very much.

I was standing at the pharmacy waiting on an RX recently and happened to take a glance over to my left. And what do I see?  These two books, side by side on the shelf.

Coincidence? I think not!

It's like the "chicken or the egg" argument in my opinion, do you deal with screwed-up people because you date online or do you date online because you deal with screwed up people.... I'm going to mull this one over for the weekend. Any thoughts on this?