More Shamelessness. It includes sweating and failure.

I could really knock out about 5 shameless things from the 30 Days of Shamelessness fun I'm working my way through with this one, but I'll keep it to just 2 so I can torture you as long as possible with this self-absorbed venture. 

For this installment of shamelessness, I'm knocking out #7 and #8. 
7.share your efforts at something you don’t think you do well. 
8. sweat.

These two things can best be summed up for me with one word: running. 

I don't like to run. I am not a happy smiley runner girl. I don't get the "runner's high" while doing it and I don't feel super awesome after I'm done. But I do sweat a lot. 

I'm all about exercise. I can do a body fit class for an hour and love it. I can do yoga for 90 minutes in a 100 degree room with 90% humidity and smile through it. But I loathe running. 

In an attempt to both get better at it and try to teach myself to enjoy it, I am forcing myself to run more often. The best tactic I have found is to hit the park with the princess and let her ride her bike on the trails. I basically have to run to keep up with her and watching her have fun while torturing me gives me something to think about other than how much I don' t like to run. It's not a perfect system but it's working so far. 

Part of the reason I'm finally doing this is because I put it out to Rita and Simple Dude via reply to a challenge post that I wanted to do it by September. And September is damn close. And I am a woman of my word. 

I'm not good at it, I don't like it, and I sweat a lot but at least I'm doing it....or trying.