Before I forget here's the link toVolume 4 of Shobogenzo translated by Gudo Nishijima & Chodo Cross. It's showing up listed as "Master Dogen's Shobogenzo" (no volume number) and doesn't seem to link to the other 3 volumes. My friend Peter is working on fixing this.

Secondly, someone wrote me an e-mail telling me there was stuff in the comments section recently saying I should take PayPal donations. I've stopped reading the comments section. It's too depressing and troll-dominated for me. But anyway, I wasn't belly-achin' that I need cash. I was trying to point out that when you go to a Zen place (any Zen place, not just mine) the stuff costs money. Pay up.

And speaking of stuff that costs money, I'm pimping a little for the Maezumi Institute Young Buddhists Retreat at which I'll be appearing August 28-31. It costs $200, which does not include lodging, but does include musical performances, talks, workshops, meals and other stuff (follow the link above for details). This is the first time I've ever participated in this kind of Buddhist event (I don't consider sesshins to be events). I'm very curious to see how it goes. $200 is comparable to a ticket to Burning Man or Coachella or Bonaroo or what have you. I think Burning Man is less per day. But it's still a substantial fee to ask for from the 18-34 year old audience they're trying to attract.

For my part, at the Young Buddhists Retreat I'm just gonna do what it is I do. If I'm to speak before an audience I'll be entertaining the way I am at a college or someplace like that. But since they're billing it as a Buddhist retreat, I'm gonna be as Buddhist retreat-y as I can be under the circumstances and hope it isn't too much like a rave or something. We shall see. In any case, I do expect it to at least be fun. Fun is OK by me.

Speaking of fun, I'm at the San Diego Comic Con this weekend on behalf of the people who pay my rent. That's fun. I won't be at Zazen at Hill St. Center this Saturday. But it's still happening. Last I heard they were still deciding if it'd be a one-day zazen fest or a regular day. If you want to know, write me & I'll forward the message.

I'll also be at the Great Sky Zen Sesshin at Hokyoji Monastery in Minnesota August 9-16. But I'm pretty sure they're already fully booked up. I don't know, tho, so if you're considering going please check with them. This is a traditional style sesshin and probably won't be near as fun as the Young Buddhists Retreat.
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