Report warns of 'new generation' Islamic militants radicalised in back streets

A new generation of British Islamic militants is being radicalised in back streets, counter-terrorism experts have warned.

Feeding the process are jailed militants, such as Abu Hamza, who is still exerting an influence from his prison cell on impressionable Muslim youngsters susceptible to his violently anti-Western rhetoric

A new report shows that the success of anti-radicalisation measures in many of Britain's mosques has pushed militants underground, making them harder to detect by both community leaders and police.

Feeding the process are jailed militants, such as Abu Hamza, who is still exerting an influence from his prison cell on impressionable Muslim youngsters susceptible to his violently anti-Western rhetoric.

Details of the report emerged ahead of imminent release of a key government review of its counter-terrorism strategy, expected this month.

The review of the "Prevent" strand of the strategy – which aims to stop the radicalisation young British Muslims – is expected to make good David Cameron's promise to expel foreign "preachers of hate", such as Hamza, from the UK.

It is also set to bring in a new link between non-violent extremist groups and violent ones – building on the Prime Minister's speech in Munich earlier this year in which he vowed a tougher line and hit out at the "state policy of multi culturalism".

Ministers are understood to be planning to stop short of seeking to acquire new powers to ban groups – but instead will no longer work with, or share platforms, with organisations which, for example, have illiberal views on women.

To win government approval, groups are likely to have to show that they share "mainstream British values."

The report prepared for the Association of Chief Police Officers by the Universities' Police Science Institute at Cardiff University, found that 11 out of the 12 mosques it examined in London, Luton, Birmingham and Manchester have been targeted by extremist Islamist groups.

The study found that as a result of efforts by mainstream Muslim leaders working with police counter terrorism officers as part of the Prevent agenda, "some had succeeded in rebuffing these advances, others had not".

In the Alum Rock area of Birmingham elders at one mosque called in the police after three militants were discovered attempting to radicalise young worshippers.

In Luton a hands-on approach to tackling radicals has been adopted by sections of the town’s Muslim community.

This even involved local activists grabbing and running away with the table and jihadi leaflets being used by radical militants for a street recruitment stall in the Bury Park district.

On another occasion a community group in Birmingham confronted suspected members of the banned organisation Al-Muhajiroun on the streets, with a local women dressed in the traditional hijab telling them “get stuffed, we don’t need your type”.

But the Cardiff study warns senior police officers that while the majority of Muslims have higher levels of confidence in the police than the general population, many 16-24-year old Muslim men still express deep distrust and resentment.

It found that “some individuals were, in their private conversations with each other, voicing very negative sentiments and radical ideas”.

Citing the example of a number of young Muslim men in Cardiff, the report added: “They were interpreting both local and international events in ways that resonated with aspects of al-Qaeda’s single narrative.”

Professor Martin Innes said: "Police tactics are creating a more hostile environment for the extremists, but that is also forcing the problem of radicalisation underground.

"It has become a more private enterprise, hidden away from view and fed by the internet. That makes it harder for the police and security services to penetrate and gather intelligence on."

“The breadth of the problem has been reduced by the Prevent agenda, but what remains becomes grittier and harder to crack.

Documents published on WikiLeaks confirmed that the first wave of radicalisation, which took place during a five to six year period from the late nineties, had centred around the infiltration of mosques such as Finsbury Park, East London and Regent's Park by extremists using them to recruit for al Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan.

The Cardiff report found that while the problem of radicalisation persists in some parts of east London, the Midlands, Yorkshire and Lancashire, there is also evidence that extremists who have been driven from mosques and neighbourhoods have begun to target ‘greenfield’ sites, where they hope to find youngsters vulnerable to their influence.

These can include small towns and cities not traditionally associated with large Muslim communities, such as Cardiff and Barry, in south Wales, and Woking in Surrey – where Hizb-ut-Tahir were at one stage driven away after being caught leafleting outside a mosque.

While the killing of Bin Laden by US special forces in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad has been hailed as a body blow for al Qaeda extremist messages are still finding fertile soil in the UK.

Sir Paul Stephenson, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, has warned the threat of a terrorist attack remains severe and could take place at any time.

Prof. Innes said: “The problem has not gone away. There will be an initial period where violent extremists will try to mobilise and retaliate for Bin Laden’s death. But also in the longer term, where we face a generation of radicalised individuals and this has to be worked through by persistent police and community work.”

To compound the problem firebrand preachers such as Abu Hamza are still able to exert their influence.

Hamza was sentenced to seven years in prison in 2006 after being found guilty of eleven charge of incitement to murder and inciting racial hatred and is currently being sought for extradition to the US to answer further terrorism charges.

However he has been able to address his followers by smuggling taped messages from his cell at Belmarsh prison, in south east London. These are then posted on internet sites as YouTube and the Islamic Awakening discussion forum.

In his most recent message he called for revolution in Libya and Egypt. The two part audio tape, recorded, unbeknown to prison officers, during a telephone conversation with a relative, has been played more than 5,000 times on YouTube alone since it was first posted in February
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