Mature Shemale Phone Sex

I know I'm not exactly your typical girl. I'm smart, I'm sexy, I'm experienced, but I'm not what you'd expect if you saw me on the street. I pass 100%, so only people who get naked with me know my little secret. Well, actually, it's a big secret. I'm a mature phone sex girl with a big, hard cock!

You probably think that men find that off-putting, but you'd be wrong. In fact, as a phone sex tranny, I think I get *more* attention than I would as a biological female. Pretty crazy, huh?

Men are intrigued by me. They think I'm beautiful, of course, and they respect my age and experience. They love my body and my voice. And they're absolutely fascinated by my cock. Even self-professed "straight" men want to touch it and kiss it and all sorts of other things. It's amazing how mesmerized men get by a cock that doesn't belong to them!

It could have something to do with the fact that this shemale phone sex girl has been doing this for quite awhile. I went MTF in my twenties. So I've got plenty of experience when it comes to playing with straight men.

Do you want suck on my cock or feel it buried deep inside your ass? Or maybe you'd like to be the dominant one and put me on my back for you. Either way's good for me. Just give Danica a call for some mature shemale phone sex, and we'll do anything that'll make you cum hard for me!

1-877-WE-PROWL (1-877-937-7695)