Yet another in a continuing series of blog postings written at while waiting to board a plane at an airport where they offer free WiFi. Today it's Dayton. I'm against paying for WiFi at airports. I figure for the length of time I'm in one I hardly need to be connected. But if I get it for free I'll take it. Dayton gets props for offering free WiFi, but they get points taken off for blocking the Suicide Girls site. Lots of places do that and it makes no sense to me. But, then again, I am the "Porno Buddhist" according to some.

My grandma's funeral yesterday was uneventful. Just a funeral. A nice Methodist minster named Valerie officiated. She did her job competently and professionally. My dad talked some. I didn't say anything this time. Dad's talk was enough and there wasn't anything I could add.

I'm on my way back to Los Angeles. I'm not sure how long I'll stay in L.A. from here on in. My job with Tsuburaya Productions is, for all intents and purposes, already finished. I'll collect my last paycheck on Dec. 31st. After that I'll no longer be able to afford to live in La La Land. With just over a month left, I haven't made any final decisions about where to go. If anyone wants to offer me a job, I can speak, read and write Japanese and have over a decade of experience in the Japanese and American film and TV business. I'm house-broken and make my bed every morning. People say I rite gud. I will rite stuff for you if you gimme money. I can sweep floors and do windows. I'm an ordained Zen Buddhist priest. My e-mail address is if you have any serious offers. I have an actual resume I can send. Please don't just yank my chain, though. OK?

As soon as I get to California I'll need to get rid of lots and lots of stuff. I'll probably be dumping it on eBay. I'll put links up here in case anyone wants my junk. I got some good junk.

There are nice things about Los Angeles. Sunshine. The people who come to the Hill Street Center. Warm days in December. Thai food all over the place. Amoeba Records. Los Feliz. India Sweets and Spices. But it's also a place where you have to drive everywhere. It's way too fucking expensive. The rent I pay is absolutely without any doubt criminally high. When I become President of the World I'm imposing the death penalty on landlords who charge that much. Everybody there is far too ambitious. I just don't have that much ambition. I'm very happy with that fact, too. Ambition is a disease. I know some decent people who love Los Angeles and do not appear to be mentally ill. Still, after three years there I just don't get it.

Looks like they're about the start boarding. Bye!
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