My first talk in Great Britain went swimmingly. I managed to answer questions asked in deep Geordie dialect with not too much difficulty. Sold some Zero Defex CDs as well!

Tomorrow at 2pm I'll be speaking at King's College. Lots of people have already confirmed but there are still spaces available. So be there.

Then on Monday I'll be in Bristol where the kids are sharp as a pistol when they do the Bristol stomp. Does anybody remember that song? Also open to all comers. So come, you comers!

Anyway here's where I'll be and how to get info:

• September 12, 2009 (Sat) 2 PM King's College London, Strand, London WC2 in Lecture Theatre 2C for details contact apdeakin@gmail.com
• September 14, 2009 (Mon) 7 PM Oddfellows Hall, West Park, Cliffton, Bristol for details contact awarenessworks@btconnect.com

Good night!
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