I May Be Fat...

...but at least I know how to spell pathetic. And, if you are a "nice homo" how the hell do you justify leaving an anonymous comment like that. If you had any balls, you would have left your name. I think you might be the sad, pathetic, queen, because it certainly does not describe me.

You are a very FAT SAD PATHETIC QUEEN. You're like Liberace....we did not want him either. Guys like you give good homo's a VERY bad name. Please go back to Indiana where trailer trash like you belong. And can't you get a picture that won't depict you to be the FAT SAD PATHEIC QUEEN from Indiana, that you are to post on your FAT blog? Go move to Millers Merry Manor for the rest of your bitter patheic FAT life. Nice homos' don't want you around our neighborhood.

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